Rob Mundy

2975 days ago

Hand over £40 a month to get crap research from brokers ramping Corporate stocks - bargain!

Words fail me. You want a sure fire way to lose money then welcome to a new service launched by former City analyst Rob Mundy, Research Tree. It is in every way, shape or form an abomination which deserves to die at birth.

For years City brokers have said that their research can only be sent to institutions for compliance reasons. We private investors are just not smart enough to understand it. In fact I have an email from just three weeks ago from FinnCap to me making this very point.

Now for £40 a month you - a private investor - can access that very same investor research from 17 firms (including FinnCap) supplied via Mr Mundy and his new platform. No doubt Mundy operates on a revenue share model with the brokers and they are having such a tough time they need all the cash they can get. FFS coke and hookers don't come cheap do they?

